It doesn’t happen over night
When you take on a rescue dog they could have trauma, unwanted habits and various little kwerks you
Become part of our pet loving community and enjoy the love of animals nationwide. By supporting our mental health community enterprise you are helping us make a difference. Pet platform bringing communities together.
We wanted to make the connection between animal lovers and animals being great for people who have challenging times with their mental health. Extending that further we want to support people around the U.K by encouraging them to approach their mental health and wellbeing with a more holistic approach such as being creative with a paint brush, taking yoga classes or learning a new skill. We shall also be working with rescue centres and pet parents of rescued animals to rehabilitate the animals with mental health challenges.
Join our community to find animal lovers willing to help you with your beloved animal family.
Find other like-minded members to connect with, meet up, share dog walks, feed the cat, rabbit or pig and generally share the fun of animals.
If you’re a pet parent looking to share the joys (and some of the responsibilities!!) of having a pet with someone who shares your love of animals, sign up today and start connecting.
If you’re an animal lover (and possibly also a pet parent) looking to support other pet parents in looking after their animals, sign up as a pawsome pal now.
Your membership to pet platform gives you access to our community of pet lovers providing free animal care.
Arrange walks, playtime, overnight stays and holiday cover providing paw prints of happiness for both you and your pawtastic pets.
Your directory listing provides creative and holistic support for people and animals with mental health challenges and supports small businesses across the UK.
Your membership not only provides you with many benefits but will support our communities around the U.K with much needed support.
Updates on what’s happening at Pet Platform and articles on mental health and pets….
When you take on a rescue dog they could have trauma, unwanted habits and various little kwerks you
Feeling over whelmed? Stressed just not yourself? If your living in an environment with clutter and feel dread
Animals lost & found Your pet has gone missing, what do you do? in what order and who
© Pet Platform CIC | Company Number 12556113 | Suite 52, 123 Stratford Road, Solihull, B90 3ND | Phone number 0121 724 0511