Feeling over whelmed? Stressed just not yourself? If your living in an environment with clutter and feel dread as you look around not knowing where to start…..Don’t take a deep breath pop yourself a timer on set a goal to clear one pile or one small chunk of an area or if you need to start smaller give that timer just a ten minute goal and go! See what you can get done in just ten small manageable minutes.
Feel that relief as you can see a small dent in your space free up, feel the stress leave your mind when things are in your physical space it can cause higher levels of cortisol levels in your body creating stress even when you’re not feeling stressed.
As you progress and build on your little sessions you will likely feel nostalgia, regret, loss and often a sense of confronting unresolved issues and emotional baggage that you will have accumulated over a period of time, de cluttering is a process of emotional release unblocking emotions as you step towards healing one step at a time, we have to feel it to heal it and this could not be more accurate.
Keep pushing through and you will start to see improvements in various ways such as a decrease in your stress levels, focusing will become easier with less around you your mind has clarity and you feel a sense of weight lifted off your shoulders as each part of your space frees up so does your mind.
If you feel organising and de cluttering is something you want to do but you just can’t make a start you can always contact us we support people with their mental health at no cost helping create new healthy habits and supporting you to organise your space, take a look at our home organisation page and reach out there is never any judgement made we are simply here to help you enjoy your home again.