When you take on a rescue dog they could have trauma, unwanted habits and various little kwerks you don’t always get to see when they are in a rescue environment due to them being shut down.
Each dog is different and has an adjustment period the general rule of thumb is they take around 3 days to decompress after you bring them home meaning they will be feeling over whelmed, may feel scared or unsure of what is going on and just not comfortable to be their self’s straight away, some do not eat to start with or drink even this is all very normal in the first few days.
They will often hide under furniture and shut down, some even push and test boundaries to work out what type of pet parent you are at this stage you are both finding your feet with one another slow and steady is key.
After three weeks they start to grasp your routines settle in and feel more comfortable with you, your dog is starting to realise this could be their forever home and starts to work out their surroundings whilst picking up your routines.
They will start to relax and begin showing you their little ways and personality you may at this stage start to pick up on behavioural issues, this is where we come in we are here to support people with animals that need support especially the people that have taken on rescue animals you have done an amazing thing and we appreciate your kindness.
Now your around three months your dog feels at home with you , you know each other you are both building trust and a bond together .You and your family have a new member of your family and your dog will feel this sense of security , this is when routines become their life and you have your day to day things you all do in your household .Well done you are close to passing your settling in period if you have had any issues with your dog during this period and ever need any advice or need some training sessions please pop over to our animal mental health support page and give us a shout, We’re here to help you.