Why Pet Platform? What’s the Motivation?

What made us decide to start Pet Platform C.I.C…After working with animals for many years and always being around animals we wanted to encourage people who love animals to help other animal lovers but at the same time help people with their mental health as animals are strongly linked to reducing stress and anxiety in people and also help with confidence with people that have challenges with their mental health putting together the Pet Platform seemed like a great way to support people and animals on so many levels we just had to go for it!

So here we are building our community and bringing people together on as many levels as we can.

If you have a pet and would like to create a profile and find a pawsome pal to help you when you need a bit of extra support make a listing and give it a try. If you are an animal lover but can’t give enough time or maybe your accommodation is not suitable to house a pet right now make a listing and enjoy helping a pet parent and their lovely fur babies or scaly family if you wish and enjoy making new four legged and two legged friends along the way.

Maybe you enjoy travelling and want to try pet sitting helping people with their animal family whilst they are away is a great way to travel and enjoy free accommodation in return for free pet care a woof woof win situation everyone benefits and we all benefit from the community spirit of helping one another.

Users that need support are given new supportive tools and creative ways of helping them with their mental health

And it doesn’t stop there whilst our members are enjoying helping one another our service users that need support with their mental health are given new supportive tools and creative ways of helping them with their mental health via our free classes and wellness talks carried out across the U.K provided by small businesses which we support to provide these classes allowing business growth and giving many businesses an income they would not normally have access to.

This is all made possible because of our community whilst we provide funding to those that need it…. These funds are raised via various areas such as our membership subscription from our members, general donors that support our cause and want to help others within their communities and fundraising carried out by ourselves and others across the U.K we are super proud of our Platform and love that our not for profit C.I.C is able to support so many people around the U.K and every one of you that are a part of helping us we are extremely grateful to you without you this would not be possible to make so many positive changes within our communities welcome to our journey!!